Remarkable brands
have impact.


From ambitious ideas into good business.

Combining human emotion, commercial mechanisms and top-notch design, we help create internal clarity that turns into concepts that impact both the bottom line and peoples lives.

Our heart beats for global purpose-driven brands looking to make a real impact.


Communication that speakes volumes.

  • Great branding is about You understanding your brands inner remarkability. We won’t give you our vision, but facilitate yours in order to give it an engaging shape and form. That’s how your team will embrace it, commit to it and learn how to use it effectively in marketing to make a real impact. Simple and really effective.

  • We love to harness creativity in all shapes and forms and embrace technology to make you stand out, sell and succeed.


Strong concepts for global markets.

  • On the road to greatness, strategic clarity isn’t automatically there. It can be hard to see clearly when you’re too close. That’s why we love being your eyes into the horizon, giving focus and a feeling like you’re behind the wheel.

  • Moving from local markets to a global setting is an awesome step towards growth, but sets certain demands for you, your brand and team. Let’s hop on that bandwidth together, with our network backing you up all way through.


Simply better human experiences.

  • We’ll help you understand the people that really matter, in the ways that really matter for your business.

  • Every commercial win comes down to the quality of our human connections. We’ll support you in creating seamlessly from from one channel to another with all 5 senses.

Remarkable brands have impact.

Remarkable brands have impact.


Concepts & communication that speak volumes.

  • Great branding is about You understanding your brands inner remarkability. We won’t give you our vision, but facilitate yours in order to give it an engaging shape and form. That’s how your team will embrace it, commit to it and learn how to use it effectively in marketing to make a real impact. Simple and really effective.

  • We love to harness creativity in all shapes and forms and embrace technology to make you stand out, sell and succeed.


Strong concepts for global markets.

  • On the road to greatness, strategic clarity isn’t automatically there. It can be hard to see clearly when you’re too close. That’s why we love being your eyes into the horizon, giving focus and a feeling like you’re behind the wheel.

  • Moving from local markets to a global setting is an awesome step towards growth, but sets certain demands for you, your brand and team. Let’s hop on that bandwidth together, with our network backing you up all way through.


Simply better human experiences.

  • We’ll help you understand the people that really matter, in the ways that really matter for your business.

  • Every commercial win comes down to the quality of our human connections. We’ll support you in creating seamlessly from from one channel to another with all 5 senses.

Remarkable brands have impact.

Remarkable brands have impact.


A Nordic based ecosystem of creative thinkers, doers and changemakers. 

Deeply rooted in retail, design and different fields of business development, we are built from an international ecosystem of creative thinkers, doers and changemakers.

Been blessed with a creative mind that works in mysterious ways? Join us → 

Things that light us up

Case: Kiilto


The social stigma of a perfectly clean and tidy is story known for centuries. When the market leader of house-hold cleaning product wanted to refresh their brand, there wasn’t a doubt whether the world needed a new story.

Case: Coach Liisa


Coach Liisa is on a quest to transform training and holistic wellbeing for women. Suffice to say, something bland wouldn’t do to wake a couple billion women from their deep sleep.

Case: Serto


What’s a way to stop a customers autopilot in the supermarket? Put a spelling mistake on two new products. Haters will hate, but alot of people will stop and look. Worse ways to bring some joy to laundry days.

Case: Play Café


Ever heard the term ‘family positive’? We thought so. Play Café and it’s mobile playpark experience going into the world with a bang and offering parents the best magic ever: A break that actually feels like a break.

Case: Dick Johnson


There’s a few brands out there brave enough to actually have a deep and meaningful conversation with their customers. Dick Johnson was one of them. And boy oh boy - what they said. The stuff any brand would like to know before entering new markets.

Curious to make a connection?

We keep good company

We chosen to join forces to help bold international brands, startups and high level individuals understand their inner remarkability. Together we transform ambitious visions into remarkable brand strategies, marketing and customer experiences. 

“I’m so glad we went on this journey to understand how our customers think about our brand. Solid five stars.”

Leevi Kangas, CEO, Dick Johnson

“I highly admire your courage to challenge us; you have certain eye for the game, which is a rare treat in the industry.”

Antero Kivioja, Kiilto, Business Area Director, Consumer Goods

“Getting the right type of encouragement for my concept has been key, backed up by the the vast commercial experience and network.”

Iida Sinipaasi, Founder, Play Café

Contact us

A potential free lunch in good company is a great reason to leave a contact form and make that first connection. You know they exist. So do it.